Share your views

I regularly speak to Sussex Weald residents and local organisations organisations at surgeries, community events, local visits and working with my team on thousands of constituent case work queries. Your views matter, and I am always keen to hear about what you consider to be the most important issues locally and nationwide.

If you are a constituent of Sussex Weald, please do spend a few minutes to complete the survey below and let me know about the issues that matter to you and your family.

The survey takes approximately 3 minutes to complete.

Share your views

  • Current Key issues
  • Your views
  • Your details
What are the biggest concerns and priorities for you LOCALLY?
What are the biggest concerns and priorities for you NATIONALLY?
Were you or any of your friends or family supported through the pandemic with government grants, furlough schemes or other help?
Are you satisfied with your broadband speed?
How would you describe the state of the roads in your area as?
Do you feel you have good access to healthcare?
Do you feel safe in your area?
Have you recently experienced any rural crime?