Millwood Park

I have been recently contacted by a number of residents of Millwood Park, Hailsham with regards to the conduct of the estate management company First Port.

I understand that invoices from the company have recently been distributed to residents for financial year 2022/23 with little or no signs that the management and maintenance works were completed for that period. It is my understanding that this is in addition to the invoice for this year, 2023/24, which has placed an unexpected burden on many households.

I am keen to support residents of Millwood Park impacted by this matter and represent their views and concerns to the management company directly and I have written to the leadership of First Port Management, requesting an urgent meeting.

If you are a resident of Millwood Park, please feel free to share your views and personal impact with me via the survey below. This will allow me to best coordinate my efforts and ensure that I am accurately representing your views to the management company, with whom I expect to meet with in the coming weeks.

Thank you for your time and support with these efforts.

Millwood Park