Supporting our Pubs

Pubs are the heart of our Wealden communities. I am dedicated to ensuring that the 78 pubs and 8 breweries which are based in Wealden will continue to thrive. Pubs and breweries contribute a huge amount locally, both to the economy and to the social life of the community. Each year this industry invests £2.5m into the local economy and it provides 1,422 local jobs in Wealden, many of which go to young people. 

Supporting pubs over blanket Covid rules

The Covid-19 pandemic has been incredibly damaging to our hospitality sector. I visited a great wet-led pub in Hailsham to listen to their concerns about the impact of table service on their business.

Table service poses great difficulties and hinders service for wet-led pubs like the King’s Head Clacklebury, who traditionally operate from behind the bar and are now having to expand staff capacity to adhere to the guidance. Due to social distancing measures, this means that they have half the customers for double the cost.

It is absurd that current Covid restrictions fail to take the needs of small wet-led pubs into account. I've written to Ministers to urge them to reconsider current restrictions for wet-led pubs.

Read more here.

Leter to SoS

Sussex Express


Pub covid restrictions questioned by Wealden MP Nus Ghani

Covid restrictions surrounding pubs have been called into question by Wealden MP Nus Ghani.

The MP recently visited King’s Head Cacklebury pub on South Road in Hailsham to discuss the impact of Covid-19 restrictions on wet-led hospitality businesses with the landlady, Helen Lawrence.

Pub covid restrictions questioned by Wealden MP Nus Ghani

Covid restrictions surrounding pubs have been called into question by Wealden MP Nus Ghani.

The MP recently visited King’s Head Cacklebury pub on South Road in Hailsham to discuss the impact of Covid-19 restrictions on wet-led hospitality businesses with the landlady, Helen Lawrence.

Wealden Pubs Backed in Budget 2018

Nus Ghani, the MP for Wealden, has welcomed news that the Government has frozen duty on beer, cider and spirits for another year.